Our Safe Moving and Handling (Manual Handling) Level 2 covers everything you need to stop yourself from being one of the 110,000 people injered in the workplace each year. Some of these incidents cause permanent damage to the victim causing debilitation, pain and reduction in their quality of life. However, this is a training need that is often overlooked.
Correct manual handling training is essential in every workplace to keep both yourself and others safe and healthy. It can reduce the risk of accidents occurring in the workplace by identifying and preventing them. Manual handling is not difficult to learn but can save a lot of problems for both employers and employees.
Our Safe Moving and Handling course teaches the safe way to move of physical objects, such as lifting, putting down, pushing, pulling, carrying or moving anything by hand.
We also have online and classroom courses for Moving People Safely.
We can offer these courses both online or face to face. Our online courses can become an integral part of your internal training programme. Our certified and accredited online training courses are simple, cost-effective and enable employees to explore the information at their own pace. They can be done in small chunks on various devices as it tracks the learners progress. We can also come to your venue and train a team at a time that suits you.
Click here to purchase our online Manual Handling Courses
We can provide training for large, national companies. Please get in touch to discuss your requirements.

The Safe Moving and Handling course is for employees at all levels who may undertake manual handling operations. This includes occupations such as:
- Warehouse and factory staff
- Heavy manual labourers
- Construction and building site workers
- Office workers
- Delivery drivers
- Agricultural workers
This course is aimed at anyone who requires a course in manual handling and is ideal for all workplace requirements. The course is designed to meet the requirements and recommendations of the HSE Manual Handling Regulations 1992.